Traveling with Your Children: Chinese Visa Application Requirements

Planning a trip to China with your kids, but not traveling with their biological parent? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered with the essential requirements you need to ensure a smooth travel experience.

1. Unabridged Birth Certificate:

  • Ensure you have an unabridged birth certificate for your child. This document is vital and must be in order.
  • Remember that the birth certificate needs to be authenticated and legalized at the Chinese embassy before you can proceed with the visa application.

2. Affidavit for Non-Accompanying Parent:

  • If the child’s birth certificate lists the name of the absent parent, whether it’s the father or mother, you’ll need to take an extra step.
  • Visit your nearest police station to request an affidavit. This affidavit should state that the traveling parent has the consent and permission of the non-accompanying parent to travel with the child.

3. Guardian Authorization:

  • If a guardian is traveling with the child instead of the biological parents, the same affidavit process applies. The guardian must obtain written consent from both biological parents.
  • This affidavit should specify that the guardian has the legal authority to travel with the child.

4. Dependent Visa for Both Parents:

  • In cases where both biological parents wish to travel with the child, you will still need to authenticate and legalize the child’s birth certificate.
  • This step is necessary to apply for a dependent visa for your child.


  • Always ensure that you start this process well in advance of your planned travel date to allow sufficient time for document processing.
  • Verify the specific requirements with the Chinese embassy or consulate in your country, as regulations may vary.

By following these steps and meeting the necessary requirements, you can travel to China with your children, whether you are traveling with one biological parent, both, or a guardian. Your child’s safety and travel documentation will be in order, ensuring a hassle-free journey for your family.

The Authentication Procedure

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