A Certificate Of A Clean Record With The Police.

To obtain footage related to a Certificate of a Clean Record with the Police, you may want to consider the following options:
certify documents in south africa

Walkthrough video on how to make fingerprints if far from the South African embassy overseas

What is a Police Clearance Certificate?

A Police Clearance Certificate is an official document issued by the South African Police Service (SAPS), certifying that an individual does not have any criminal records or pending cases in South Africa. This document is typically required when applying for jobs, visas, or residency permits in foreign countries.

How to Download the SAPS 91(a) Application Form

To download the SAPS 91(a) application form, follow these steps:

  1. Visit the official South African Police Service (SAPS) website at https://www.saps.gov.za/.
  2. Navigate to the “Services” tab on the top menu and click on “Police Clearance Certificate” from the dropdown menu.
  3. On the Police Clearance Certificate page, you’ll find a link to download the SAPS 91(a) form. Click on the link to download the form as a PDF file.

How to Complete the SAPS 91(a) Application Form For Police Clearance Certificate

Once you’ve downloaded the SAPS 91(a) form, follow these guidelines to fill it out accurately:


Applicant Details:

Provide your full name, South African ID number, date of birth, place of birth, gender, and nationality. Make sure the information matches your ID or passport.


Postal Address:

Provide your complete postal address, including the country where you’re currently residing. This address will be used for sending your Police Clearance Certificate upon completion.


Contact Details:

Provide a telephone number and email address where you can be reached if there are any issues with your application or for updates on its progress.


Purpose of the Certificate:

Clearly state the reason for obtaining the Police Clearance Certificate. This could be for employment, immigration, visa application, or any other relevant purpose.


Signature and Date:

Sign and date the form, confirming that the information provided is accurate and complete.

If you need to obtain your fingerprints for a specific purpose (e.g., a background check or visa application) and you are far from the nearest South African embassy, you can follow these steps to take your fingerprints yourself.and you are far from the nearest South African embassy, you can follow these steps to take your fingerprints yourself. 

However, please note that different organizations may have specific requirements, so it is always a good idea to double-check with them first.

  1. Gather necessary materials: You will need a fingerprint card, which can typically be downloaded and printed from the relevant organization’s website. You will also need black ink or an ink pad designed for fingerprinting, as well as a clean, flat surface to work on.

  2. Clean your hands: Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water, and dry them with a clean towel. This will help remove any dirt or oils that could affect the quality of the fingerprints.

  3. Prepare the fingerprint card: Fill out any required personal information on the fingerprint card, such as your name, date of birth, and address.

  4. Roll your fingers in ink: Press your finger gently onto the ink pad, ensuring that the entire fingerprint area is covered with ink. Be careful not to press too hard, as this may result in a smudged or unclear print.

  5. Roll your fingers on the card: Place the edge of your finger on the designated space on the fingerprint card. Roll your finger from one side to the other, applying even pressure to ensure a clear print. Repeat this process for each finger, including both hands. For thumbprints, place the pad of your thumb on the card and press down firmly without rolling.

  6. Take plain impressions: Some fingerprint cards also require plain (or “slap”) impressions, which involve pressing your four fingers (excluding the thumb) straight down onto the card. Repeat this step for both hands.

  7. Allow the prints to dry: Allow the ink on the fingerprint card to dry completely before handling or submitting it.

  8. Check the quality: Ensure that your fingerprints are clear and identifiable. If necessary, repeat the process to obtain better prints.

  9. Mail the fingerprint card: Once your fingerprints are dry and clear, place the card in a protective envelope and mail it to the relevant organization or agency, following their submission guidelines.

Fingerprints Sample For Police Clearance Certificate

police clearance certificate

Submitting Your Fingerprints and Passport Copy: Convenient and Secure Options Secure Options

Email Submission

Submitting your fingerprints and passport copy via email is a convenient and efficient option. Simply scan your fingerprint card and the relevant pages of your international passport, save them as PDF files, and attach them to an email. Don’t forget to provide necessary information in the email body, such as your name, date of birth, and application reference number. Ensure the recipient’s email address is accurate before sending the email, and remember to use a clear subject line for easy identification.

Courier Submission

If you prefer a physical submission or the recipient requires it, you can courier your documents to the office in Sandton, Johannesburg, South Africa. Package your fingerprint card and a photocopy of the relevant passport pages in a secure, tamper-proof envelope. Include a cover letter with your full name, contact information, and any other required details. Choose a reliable courier service provider or postal office for shipping, and opt for a trackable shipping method. Keep the tracking number for reference and follow-up.

Security and Compliance

Regardless of the submission method you choose, ensure that your documents are secure and adhere to the specific requirements of the organization or agency requesting them. Double-check the email or physical address you’re sending the documents to, and follow any guidelines provided to guarantee a smooth and successful submission process.

In conclusion

  • obtaining clear and accurate fingerprints is a crucial step in various processes, such as background checks, visa applications, or other official procedures. By following the right techniques and taking your time, you can ensure that your fingerprints are of high quality and easily identifiable.
  • Remember to adhere to the specific requirements and guidelines provided by the organization or agency requesting your fingerprints. Whether you choose to submit your documents via email or courier, always prioritize security and compliance to ensure a smooth and successful submission process.
  • Taking your fingerprints at home might seem daunting, but with patience, the right materials, and attention to detail, you can accomplish this task with confidence. If you have any doubts or concerns, don’t hesitate to reach out to the relevant authorities or professionals for guidance and assistance.

The Authentication Procedure

Our staff is committed to delivering a smooth DOCUMENTS procedure. We work with a number of departments and authorities to ensure that your documents are carefully assessed and confirmed.

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